Here we provide you with Seven tips for your child to study. It is not strange that your child loses interest in studying, even more so after months of confinement and disconnection from friends and school. But we have to be careful.

The academic success of our children depends on two factors, on the one hand, their intellectual capacity and, on the other, their motivation to study.
This is where, from home, we can help them and contribute to improving their performance.
Motivation doesn’t suddenly appear out of nowhere, nor is it magically created; it has to be built step by step. Patricia del Campo Recreo, the teacher at the Igualada Institution, offers us some advice to encourage this motivation and make our children’s study time more efficient.
Seven tips for your child to study
- The first is to provide a suitable study environment where you feel comfortable and promote concentration. Your child can help decorate it or make changes if the place already exists. Incorporating a new light, a poster, or a board will produce a perception of change and extra motivation.
- Organize the time that will be dedicated, and make a schedule for the afternoons. In this case, you can also participate by designing a planner with cardboard and colored markers to write on it. It is essential to remember the moments of rest, but without mobile! If not, then it will cost more to return to concentration.
- Set short-term goals and objectives. It is preferable that the plans are short-term, focusing on improving the quarter’s results and not on those at the end of the year. Specific and reasonable expectations, for example, “raise the math grade from a 6 to a 7”. You have to write them down on paper and leave them visible; they can’t end up at the bottom of the drawer. We also need to draw up a plan to achieve them: “I’ll go over the tables every day,” “I’ll take an exam on Thursdays”… It also works to commit to accomplishing the goal with someone, grandfather, uncle, godfather, And keep reporting the achievements.
- School is important. School is celebrated and enjoyed. Family involvement is key to educational success. Please have a good relationship with the teachers, speak well of them, maintain a bond with a positive attitude…
- Support the learning style, and know and balance each of our children. Some will study better by listening, others by repeating and others by moving. Before an exam, some will need us to relieve their stress because they worry too much, and some will require us to “scare them” because they are not worried at all.
- Encourage and encourage vs praise Effort and progress must be recognized, not just triumphs. The words of the breath lead to a positive self-evaluation. Encouragement significantly increases motivation. “I like that, you did very well!” “I notice that you are doing better every day” “You have spent a lot of time, it is very good.”
- Reward _ Adopt a middle ground. Give a special prize from time to time, and on other occasions, give a smile, a hug or a positive gesture.
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And remember:
They learn more from what they see from their role models (usually parents) than from the verbal instructions they receive.