In India, 70 percent of the population lives in a rural setting. So a provision has been provided in Article 243 of the Constitution to establish its own administration. Under this provision of Panchayati Raj has been made. In this, Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat are formed, which are responsible for the development of the entire village. The Head of the village panchayat is the village sarpanch, or Gram Pradhan. On this page, the details of becoming a village sarpanch and its election, qualifications, functions, and rights are being told in detail.

Gram Sabha
The total number of persons of a village whose name is included in the voter list. The group of these persons is called Gram Sabha. It is necessary to have 200 or more persons in a Gram Sabha.
Gram Pradhan
In a Gram Sabha, a president is elected, who is known as the Gram Pradhan, or sarpanch.
Gram pradhan salary
In the state of Uttar Pradesh, the salary of the village sarpanch is Rs 3500, in addition to this. He receives Rs 15000 per month as traveling allowance and other expenses.
Gram Pradhan Election
A President or Pradhan and other members are elected by the total members of the Gram Sabha. These President or Pradhan and other members are called Gram Panchayat, its term is 5 years.
How is the election done?
After every five years, the election of the village sarpanch is conducted in the village, approval is given to the Election Commission by the state government. After which the notification is issued by the Election Commission. The code of conduct will be implemented as soon as the notification is issued. is done. Now the person who wants to contest the election for the post of village sarpanch or member, he has to fill out the form or submit the application form before the election officer of the district within a stipulated time period. After this, an election symbol is provided to each applicant by the election office.
Now the election campaign is done by all the candidates, this election campaign is done according to the instructions of the Election Commission. After this, the voting is done on the scheduled date, after the voting, the counting of votes is done, the candidate who gets more votes is elected to the post of the village sarpanch. The certificate is given to the elected member by the Returning Officer.
Gram Panchayat Sapath
After winning the election, the village sarpanch and all the members are sworn in by the presiding officer or the village panchayat secretary.
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Functions of the village sarpanch
- Gram Panchayat is known as Village Counseling, in each village (where the population is more than one thousand) a Gram Panchayat is constituted, its chairman is the village sarpanch. Its tenure is of 5 years.
- For the development of the village, many types of works are performed by the Gram Panchayat. The village sarpanch has a major role in performing these works.
- The Gram Panchayat prepares the roadmap for agricultural work and tries to correct the agricultural disturbances at its level.
- The main responsibility of a village sarpanch is to develop all-round development of the village. For this, the village sarpanch inspects the primary and upper primary schools of the village and talks with the higher officials to fulfill the necessary things in it.
- Carrying out youth welfare works is one of the main tasks of the village sarpanch.
- The repair and maintenance of state tube wells are done by the village sarpanch.
- At the village level, the medical and health-related work is done with the consent of the village sarpanch.
- Gram Panchayat does the work related to women and child development.
- The work-related to animal wealth development is done by the village sarpanch.
- The village sarpanch does the work of sanctioning and distributing all types of pensions through the Gram Panchayat.
- The allocation and cancellation of the ration shop are done by Gram Panchayat.
- Village level work related to Panchayati Raj is done by the village sarpanch.
- All the unpaved and pucca roads are constructed in the Gram Panchayat, all the village sarpanch have to see it, as well as the arrangement for drainage of water, has to be made.
- It is the responsibility of the Gram Panchayat that the villagers have the responsibility of arranging drinking water for the animals.
Gram Pradhan Ke Adhikar
- According to the Panchayati Raj Act in Uttar Pradesh, 6 committees are formed in every gram panchayat to prepare the development work plan, in these committees, administrative work committee, planning work committee, construction work committee, water management committee, medical health committee, Education committee. But the actual work of all these is done by the village sarpanch.
- As a village sarpanch, he calls the meeting of Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat and controls its proceedings.
- To keep information about the development plans, construction work, and other programs set by the government for the Gram Panchayats and take the necessary information from the concerned officers and inform the villagers from whom they can get its benefits.
Here we have provided you with information about the village sarpanch, if you have any kind of question-related to this information, then you can ask through the comment box.