Civil Liability Insurance In United Kingdom – Every car, regardless of its type, must have insurance by law. The minimum policy that every vehicle must have is, as its name indicates, that of Compulsory Civil Liability. It is the most basic car insurance that exists, but there are many insurance companies on the market, and each of them offers different coverage at prices that vary considerably from one to another. At you can compare car insurance prices and coverage from more than 30 insurers, and in just three minutes. Thus, you will be able to obtain the policy that best suits your needs, saving up to 50% on your car insurance.

Civil liability in insurance companies
Obligatory Civil Liability coverage is the basic guarantee that any vehicle must have in order to circulate. By contracting this guarantee, the companies assume the cost of the compensation that must be paid if you have been responsible for some type of accident in which material and/or bodily damage has occurred. Likewise, the minimum amounts of these compensations are established according to the Scale for determining benefits. However, some insurances extend the amount of compensation and offer other assistance to offer more complete protection to their clients.
Direct Seguros: 50 million in Voluntary RC
Direct Seguros’ Compulsory Civil Liability coverage covers up to 70 million euros to pay compensation to third parties arising from personal damage that may have occurred after a traffic accident in which you are at fault and up to 15 million for material damage , as established by Spanish law.
In addition, the company is also included Voluntary Civil Liability. In the event that the amounts mentioned above are not sufficient to cover the compensation, the company extends the coverage up to 50 million euros per claim.
Obligatory and Voluntary Civil Liability in Caser
Due to the fact that any unforeseen event can happen on the road, Caser incorporates, apart from the Obligatory Civil Liability, which, as its name indicates, must be present in any insurance, the Voluntary Civil Liability Coverage.
Therefore, through the Voluntary RC, Caser covers the compensation derived from the pipes that you cause as a driver to third parties due to:
- Traffic accident in which your car is the culprit
- When the car is parked or stopped
- Telephone Legal Assistance
- Fall of transported luggage on public roads
- the opening of doors
- caravans or Trailersweighing up to 750 kg.
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Are you a cyclist? Civil Liability for cyclists with MAPFRE
For its part, MAPFRE, in addition to including Compulsory Civil Liability, which covers injuries and material damage caused to third parties, extends the compensation limit to €50,000,000 by adding Supplementary Civil Liability coverage.
Balumba extends the compensation limit
To deal with the compensation derived from an accident in which you are at fault, Balumba covers, in its Civil Liability coverage, up to 70 million euros in personal damages and up to 15 million in personal damages.
However, so that you feel completely protected, the company extends the limit established by law. Thus, so that you do not have to worry about whether the compensation exceeds the previous limit, Balumba increases it by establishing it at 50 million.
AXA FlexiRapid
In any AXA FlexiRapid car insurance you will have Civil Liability included with which, in addition to the compensation established by law, you can count on an extension of up to 50 million for personal and material damage.
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What is the Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance In United Kingdom?
Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance In United Kingdom is a policy that every driver must have, at a minimum, for their vehicle. In the event that a driver drives without any insurance, the agents of the authority will proceed to immobilize him and will also apply a financial penalty that can amount to up to €3,000.
What coverages do you have?
The main objective of the Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance In United Kingdom is to cover any damage to third parties that we may cause while driving our car. Thus, the damage caused, as stated in the Regulation of the Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance in the Circulation of Motor Vehicles, can be of two types
- Physical or personal: any damage caused to persons, that is, to another driver or occupant of a vehicle.
- Materials: whether it is damage to another car or street furniture, etc.
What coverages do you not have? Civil Liability Insurance In United Kingdom
According to what is established by the V European Auto Directive, all damage to material goods of third parties with whom there is a relationship of affinity or kinship up to the “third degree of consanguinity or affinity” between the driver of the vehicle and the person to be compensated.
In other words, in order to avoid fraud, the Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance In United Kingdom will not cover any accident in which the affected third party is a family member of the driver contracting the insurance. Another aspect that is not covered is that as it is an insurance that covers damages caused to third parties, the driver’s own damages (physical or material) are not included either.
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What happens if I do not contract this insurance?
In the event that as a driver you do not have any type of insurance for your car: The agents of the authority (local or traffic police) may impose a fine that will range between €601 and €3,005, depending on the conditions in which you have intervened (the amount to pay will not be the same if the vehicle was stopped or circulating, for example). In addition to the economic sanction, the competent authority in this regard will proceed to immobilize your car.
The driver who travels without insurance will also bear all expenses caused by damage (whether physical or material). The amount to be paid in the event of an accident, which would be covered by the insurance if it was contracted, will be assumed directly and solely by the driver of the vehicle.
Therefore, it is important to take into account the consequences that may exist for a driver if he drives without the minimum insurance. At you can find affordable insurance by comparing 30 insurers, and thus avoid this type of situation.
Policy limits: Civil Liability Insurance In United Kingdom
The Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance In United Kingdom has limits established by law. On January 1, 2008, the V European Car Directive came into force, establishing that the amounts covered by the Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance In United Kingdom would be:
- Physical or personal damage: up to €70 million per claim, regardless of the number of victims.
- Material damage: up to €15 million per claim.
Before the arrival of the V European Car Directive, the compensation offered by Compulsory Civil Liability was considerably lower (up to €350,000 for bodily injury and €100,000 for material damage). This practically forced drivers to take out additional coverage: Voluntary Civil Liability.
Obligatory and Voluntary Civil Liability
Voluntary or Supplementary Civil Liability is an extra coverage offered – often included as a base in the Third Party insurance itself – by insurance companies. It is a complementary coverage that extends the application of the Compulsory Civil Liability, with the aim of financially coping with all cases (accidents or inconveniences) that involve an amount greater than that covered by the basic compulsory insurance.
Thus, even if the expenses incurred in the event of an accident exceed the compensation limits of the Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance In United Kingdom, you, as a driver, will not have to pay the expenses for damages, as they are already included in Voluntary Civil Liability.
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Disadvantage of contracting only this policy: Civil Liability Insurance In United Kingdom
The main drawback of the Mandatory Civil Liability policy is that it is a very basic policy.
In this way, the inconvenience of contracting only this insurance is that it would not cover any personal damage (physical or material) that you as a driver or your vehicle suffers. A solution to this would be, for example, to take out All Risk insurance, the price of which is usually considerably higher. Or even take out driver’s insurance, an additional coverage that includes compensation in the event that the person contracting the insurance suffers their own damage.
However, more and more, Third Party insurance includes coverage that is also beginning to be considered basic, and that complements and extends the Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance In United Kingdom. Some of these coverages are: Voluntary Civil Liability, Legal Defense and Damage Claim, Travel Assistance…
All of this is, as we have said, additional coverage -not mandatory by law- that the driver can choose to contract or not, but which, in general, is increasingly included in the basic third-party policy offered by insurers, although it is the driver who will decide which additional coverages to include and which not. At you will be able to compare which policies are the most suitable for you based on your needs at the best price and in just three minutes.